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Linhas em jeito de diário. Inspiração. Homenagem a espíritos livres. Lugar de evocação. Registo do quotidiano, espaço de encontros. Refúgio de olhares. Espécie de tributo à escrita límpida, serena e franca de Marcello Duarte Mathias.
Dois textos chamaram-me a atenção logo pela manhã. Ambos no Macau Daily Times. Jorge Menezes e Richard Whitfield remando na direcção certa. Deixo aqui os links e obrigado a ambos.
"Impartiality is not derived from announcements in law books and rules do not create inherently impartial people.", Jorge Menezes, Criminal trials in Macau: A perplexing experience
"It happened to be raining on the day, and our massively over-capacity, over budget, long delayed Taipa ferry terminal was awash in water from roof leaks! I really hope that all the government officials involved in this disaster of a project were fired and the contracting companies that built it were sued into bankruptcy, but I doubt it.", Richard Whitfield, Macau Matters, A Shenzhen Adventure